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The benefits of fence style simulated plant walls to daily life 篱笆式仿真植物墙带给生活的好处

       Fence plant wall is one of the widely used decorations nowadays. This style of decoration originated from European garden style, and after entering China, it has been continuously innovated, combined with Chinese garden style and mixed with European garden style. Nowadays, this fence style simulated plant wall decoration has a good market both domestically and internationally.

       篱笆植物墙是如今使用广泛的装饰之一,这种风格的装饰早源自于欧式园林风格,进入我国之后不断的创新,不断的 与中式园林风格结合另外掺杂着欧式园林风格,如今这种篱笆式仿真植物墙装饰在国内国外都有着很好的市场。

       In addition, the fence style simulated plant wall also brings many conveniences to our lives. It can cover up some unfavorable views, isolate dust, sound insulation and noise prevention, and often guide tourists to view routes in scenic areas. It not only guides tourists to view other views, but also enhances the viewing effect and artistic value on its own.

       此外篱笆式仿真植物墙还给我们的生活带了很多的便捷之处,它可以遮盖一些不良视点、隔离防尘、隔音防噪而且在 景区中经常起到引导游人观赏的路线等,不仅可以指导游人观赏其它视点,而且自身从而也提升了观赏效果和艺术价值。

       Is it true that fence style simulated plant walls have sound insulation effects? In fact, it has a sound insulation effect because this wall is made with added pearl cotton that has a sound insulation effect inside. It is not only a carrier for these green plants on the fence wall, but also a cotton body that can absorb sound waves, thus achieving the sound insulation effect of a fence like simulated plant wall.

       有的人问到篱笆式仿真植物墙具有隔音作用是真的吗?其实是有隔音的作用,因为这款墙在制作的时候 内部增加的有具有隔音作用的珍珠棉,它不仅是篱笆墙上这些绿植的载体也是一个可以吸收音波的棉体,从而达到篱笆式 仿真植物墙的隔音作用。

       There are many areas in the city that require long-term construction, and some of them have a significant impact on the beauty of the city's landscape. At this time, fence like simulated plant walls come in handy, as they can provide isolation and dust prevention. Many places use fences for protection, putting the city in a simple sight. Fence like simulated plant walls not only beautify the city's landscape, but also provide isolation and dust prevention, ensuring our daily life.

       在城市中有很多的区域需要长时间的建设施工,其中有的建设施工非常的影响城市的景观美观度,这时候篱笆仿真植 物墙就有了用场,它可以起到隔离防尘作用,很多地方都用围栏来做防护使城市陷入了简陋视线中,而篱笆式仿真植物墙 不仅美观了城市的景观同时也起到了隔离和预防灰尘的效果,给我们的生活也起到了保障作用。